photo credit: Adidas/Darren Rovell
Here’s more uniform madness for the Wisconsin-Nebraska game. Both teams will be wearing special Adidas shoes that start out black but turn silver under the lights. Darren Rovell just tweeted a picture of them and…yup, they’re shoes all right. Got laces and everything. Well those will be really awesome to see I guess. They’ll go well with those goofy-ass unis.
Some of you might be wondering how the heck these shoes work. I know I was. Well I have absolutely no idea. They use something Adidas calls SPOTLIGHT technology. Apparently it involves reflective glass beads. Anyway there’s a video of the Nebraska kids seeing these shoes for the first time. It’s kind of funny. Total hype but funny.
The look on that dude’s face is priceless. Okay I’m slightly interested to see this now. If Adidas wants to send a little cash my way I’ll be happy to increase my level of excitement about their new products in the future. When they’re ready to roll out the full-on SPOTLIGHT uniforms, I’ll happily push that. Not for free though. I mean come on. A man’s gotta eat.
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