‘Frank the Tank’ Kaminsky Meets ‘Frank the Tank’ Will Ferrell


“Frank the Tank” met “Frank the Tank” Wednesday in Los Angeles. No that wasn’t a typo … Wisconsin Badgers senior forward Frank Kaminsky, known as “Frank the Tank,” had the opportunity to meet Will Ferrell, who portrayed a popular “Frank the Tank” on the big screen.

For those who don’t know, Will Ferrell’s “Frank the Tank” nickname comes from the movie “Old School.”

Wednesday, Kaminsky met Will Ferrell and had the opportunity to interview him for the TV show “Access Hollywood.”

Kaminsky also got to meet John C. Reilly, who co-starred with Ferrell in (among other films) the movie “Step Brothers” which Kaminsky said in the following video is a movie he can pretty much quote in its entirety.

As you see in the video, Kaminsky said it’s “the most nervous I’ve been in my entire life.”

It’s pretty cool to see someone like Kaminsky – who has been the talk of college basketball all season – to be starstruck, but meeting Ferrell was a big deal to the Badgers senior.

“This is top two of all time.” Kaminsky said. “This was one of the coolest things I’ve ever done.”

Check out the clip from Kaminsky and Ferrell’s interview. It’s exactly what you’d expect – Kaminsky asking Ferrell how tall he is and trying to convince him to become a Badgers fan.

Ferrell said he is rooting for UNC because he has family who are Tar Heels’ fans, but the Badgers’ big man said he thinks he swayed the comedic actor.

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