Justin Malaise
Joined: Jul 18, 2009
My name is Justin Malaise. I grew up in a small town in Northwest Wisconsin. I am a fan of all things Wisconsin, Packers, Bucks, Badgers and Brewers. I was an avid sports follower and participator growing up. I was very dedicated to getting better and in high school I was all-conference and all-district in Baseball, Basketball, and Football. The summer after I graduated high school a car accident derailed my chances at participating in football and baseball at the college level has had been planned. This ended my competitive sports career, and, I thought, ended my possibilities of working in sports. I changed my direction and focused on my education, and graduated with a degree in Applied Math with minors in Computer Science and Business. Although very pleased with my career direction, I have still always had and will have a strong passion for sports but my attention to sports was relegated to just being a fan. That all changed when I started blogging and I have found a way to again participate in sports. I am very enthusiastic about sports and love being able to write about them. I feel the Bucks are on the cusp of turning it around under the direction of Hammonds and Skiles and believe this to be an exciting time to follow the Bucks as great things may be around the corner. Please drop in any comments or remarks you may have, I want this to be a very open blog.